Homeowner Resources

If you own a home in Evergreen, Colorado, you are living in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI). Wildfires are a natural part of Colorado's environment and living in the WUI means you have an inherently higher risk of wildfire.
Evergreen Fire/Rescue encourages all homeowners to take their relationship and responsibility of living in the WUI seriously. Planning ahead, reducing the risks on your property and preparing for wildfire are actions that residents can take to reduce their risk of wildfire.
Below you will find resources that Evergreen Fire/Rescue encourages all district residents and homeowners to become familiar with the following:

Mitigation Resources
Electrical Companies
CORE Electric
Xcel Energy

Evacuation Resources

Evacuation Steps - Rotary Wildfire Ready

Jefferson County
Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Notifications
Animal evacuation resources for pets and livestock

Clear Creek County
Emergency Notifications

Additional Mitigation & Home Hardening Resources
University of California Homeowner's Wildfire Mitigation Guide
University of California Fire Network
Living with Fire Tahoe - Wildfire Home Retrofit Guide
Building a Wildfire-Resistant Home: Codes and Costs